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Lisa K.

Ultimate Colon Cleanse does a fantastic job...

Lisa K Loves Ultimate LifespanThe Ultimate Colon Cleanse was recommended to me as a part of a comprehensive Candida cleanse. I'd been having problems with oras thrush for almost three years and had little success getting rid of it. My tongue was so sore and I was achy and run-down all the time. Your Ultimate Colon Cleanse program was easy to follow and very gentle. It really wasn't hard to get into a regular routine with it. I'm also glad that the Ultimate Colon Cleanse deals with parasites. I didn't think I had parasites, but while on your program, I noticed these things that looked like tomato peeling (when I hadn't eaten tomatoes). I did some research and I discovered that these are parasites called flukes! I was certainly glad to be rid of those! After two months on the Ultimate Colon Cleanse , I am feeling MUCH better and my thrush has disappeared almost completely. (I still have a little Candida cleanse left to do). When you are suffering from yeast overgrowth, it is so important to keep things moving with lots of fiber and to fight the problem at the source in the intestines. Ultimate Colon Cleanse does a fantastic job f this and I would highly recommend it to anyone suffering from the Systematic Candida. Thank you so much for a great product!

Best Wishes.

Lisa K.